A Minion with sirens strapped to his head and a bullhorn. Caption reads, HELLO, HELLO, HELLO IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE


Adding Comments

I was a bit resistant to the idea of adding comments to this blog. I could list off reasons, but I’m not sure any of them would be the exact reason. I’m not sure why I was resistant. Regardless, 2 (of the probably 3 people in the whole world) reading this blog would occasionally give me a hard time about their absence. Since there’s nobody around, I figured there wasn’t much harm in me adding them.

Keeping with trying to do things around here for free, I opted to go with giscus. (I also considered utterances, opting for giscus simply because it uses GitHub Discussions rather than GitHub Issues, and that felt right.)

So, this was the first dynamic content I wanted to add. As such, I needed to pick how I wanted to do that. Since I’d been wanting to play with SolidJS, it was a good time to go ahead and add it. This was definitely not a particularly good sampling of its capabilities, but it was a good time to start.

My usual disclaimer about any problems with how I did it reflecting on me and not the tools applies. I’m almost certain it could have been done better, but I gotta start somewhere.

I guess we’ll see if anyone ever uses it. Along those lines… I wonder if I should figure out how to get some privacy-respecting analytics. Hmm… If anyone has ideas for that, well… drop a comment below. 😉